Thursday, November 10, 2011

Being Grateful on Thankful Thursday!

"Pacific Symphony - Tuba #1"

I am so grateful for music. Often, I hear songs that make my heart melt. My soul is moved as the notes resonate within me. Even the sounds of birds singing make me stop, listen, smile.
I often wonder if music evolved from the birds chirping their incredible heavenly notes. Not a day goes by without my daily dose of these audible miraculous sounds.

Over a year ago I was fortunate to have the opportunity to photograph the musicians of the Pacific Symphony here in Orange County, CA as they played their magnificent music at the Segerstrom Concert Hall. This amazing group of extraordinary talent come together and magic happens. I watch in awe and listen. Heaven on earth.

In creating this latest addition to my series, "Pacific Symphony - Tuba #1", I can still hear the notes resounding as my brushstrokes rendered the colors and textures of the painting. I strive to honor the musicians and their music and yet at the same time allow the creative process to flow. I am honored to know the Conductor, Carl St. Clair personally and been fortunate to meet several of these amazing musicians.
I am so grateful to have their music always lingering in my heart and for their continued diligent efforts to present us with some of the most incredible music. Thank you.

Art and music have a lot in common. Music can make you happy...heal stress...and it has been discovered that listening to great music like Mozart et al can improve your IQ. Looking at art has similar effects. When we look at beautiful art, we are drawn in and held captive, if only for a moment, as this creative image resonates with our own magnificence...and we are all truly magnificent!

Today, put on some great music. Dance if you can. Look at some great art
and honor the creative spirit within yourself. Come back and see all the latest inspirations coming out of my studio. For a personal tour email me:

Smile and be grateful!


September McGee

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