"Cafe Series - Bordeau Reflections"
oil on Museum Panel
This rendering reminds me how grateful I am to paint. These little studies can be so much fun and when the paint is flowing - let it flow!
Life itself generally ebbs and flows...every circumstance bearing gifts for us to open. How we choose to handle each moment is always up to us...we choose, we always choose...in the every only moment of NOW!
I find it way more fun to choose to be happy...particularly knowing every thought - word - action is coming back to me in one way or another.
Creating is a process that flows through us - not from us!
Letting go of how the piece is going to turn out allows for true creativity to flow. Trying to push the rendering in one direction or another can block the pathway to its fruition. The trick - get out of the way!
The same holds true for life. Decide what it is you want then get out of your own way and let the universe bring it to you....I guarantee (like so many brushstrokes that came out of the ethers) the universe will deliver far greater than you ever imagined!!!
"Bordeau Reflections" is a brand new oil on Museum panel that just rolled off my brushes. This is a painting of a beautiful woman, inside and out, who has modeled for me twice. Often the second session is more relaxed and we both know what to expect from each other... and the creativity flows.
Did you know that if you say "hmmmmmmmmm" out loud you cannot criticize yourself while saying it. Try it next time you find yourself repeating limited vocables to yourself. Relax, turn off the "neggies" and let it all flow.
My plan is to do a large painting from this study. The color palette will probably change as will the strokes and flavor of the painting.
I am so grateful to this wonderful woman who has come into my life, and also become a dear friend!
What more can you ask for!
Blessings on this Thankful Thursday,